“Hoffman … you stay here!”That could very well be the greatest line ever uttered in the American cinema. Why, you may ask? Well, I’m glad you did.
The youngest of The Brothers McC can currently be seen in the new major motion picture, Hollywood blockbuster, Denzel Washington starring, Ridley Scott directing, sitting on the edge of your seat thriller; “Unstoppable”
You see … one of the worst sentences ever uttered was; “You got cancer.” Yep … and that really sucked. But, if my sister has her wish, I’ll blog on about that at some other point. But, there is a reason I bring that up. Just over a week ago I had some surgery that I’m sure removed all of the aforementioned cancer … and here I am on the road to recovery. Well, what’s a guy to do on a Thursday afternoon … but go see a movie!!!
So, today, I grabbed the Mrs and off we went to the local movie house.
As the film opened, I was giddy. I mean … I couldn’t believe it, the youngest, least respected on a basketball court, can hardly handle his Guinness, baby Brother McC was going to up on that screen in a matter of minutes. The Mrs was laughing at me – but I didn’t care.
Then … in full Technicolor and Hi-Def digital sound ---- there he was!!! Was he saving a poor farm girl? Was he winning the hearts and minds of our youth? Was he helping an old lady to cross the street? No!!!! He was being an ass!!!! A lawyer … comparing the loss in revenue to the loss of human life. He was jerk!!!!! And let me tell you this … he was a GREAT jerk!!!!!!
I freaked out!! I was now even giddier than I was when I entered. Holy Shit!!! My little brother is up on that screen in a major Hollywood production!!!
But, let’s get back to why; “Hoffman … you stay here!” – is the greatest line in the history of the English speaking arts. I mean, first off … Kevin didn’t even say the line. Why??? Because the line was being spoken to him!! Kevin was Hoffman!!! OK … not as great as discovering what “Rosebud” meant … but to me, when the boss said; “Hoffman … you stay here!” – that meant that the crowded room of lawyers and other hanger-ons would be leaving, and Kevin (re: Hoffman) would be hanging around the entire length of the movie for reaction shots and … much to my surprise … a killer close-up!!!
So … there you have it. You feeling blue? You feeling a little sluggish? Did you just have major surgery? Well … nothing will get your heart dancing like seeing your brother in a killer action flick.
Damn!!!! That was cool.